Spring into Style with Beautiful Shelf Decor this Season

Growing up I was lucky enough to have a mom that worked as an interior designer. That meant every season we would completely revamp all the decorations around the house. Sometimes it was small, like transitioning Fall to Halloween. But sometimes we had to completely refresh the whole house, like from Winter to Spring.

Since moving out I’ve slowly started accumulating my own seasonal decorations. This year I finally feel like I have enough to decorate, as opposed to just using accents. It makes a difference in the feel of a space without having to make too many changes. After how shockingly gloomy it’s been here in California this winter, I’m excited to get back to some bright colors.

Getting Started

My mom taught me that the first step in holiday decorating is to take the time to clean. You don’t want any leftover cobwebs from Halloween (fake or otherwise) in your spring decor. The first thing I try to do is clear off the shelves and give them a good wipe-down. It gives me a great blank canvas to work with.

person cleaning shelf

Finding a Spring-y Theme

After that, it’s time to pick a color scheme so that the decor looks more cohesive. Choosing colors that match the theme of the season is a great idea. For spring, soft pastel colors like blush pink, sky blue, minty green, lavender, and lemony yellow can brighten the room. If you’re not comfortable with such a wide variety of colors, you can also focus on two colors with an accent like gold or silver. Choosing a print is another great way to decide on a cohesive color scheme.

It was important to me to find some new unique art that I could swap out for my regular pieces. My favorite place to look is on Etsy because I always want to support local artists in any way I can. The platform is also great for finding great works on a budget. Most artists have digital print downloads available in a variety of formats. This lets you customize the size and frame of your print. I usually just send my downloads over to Office Depot if I want a print larger than the typical 8.5” x 11” paper size. Otherwise, my go-to printer can usually get the job done pretty easily. If you’re feeling creative, you could use this as an opportunity to paint a few spring-inspired pieces of your own.

watercolor painting of a rabbit

Incorporating the Beauty of Spring

Vases aren’t just for holding flowers; they’re also an opportunity to infuse your shelves with the beauty of spring blossoms. I like to use vases in colored glass or neutral ceramic and fill them with seasonal blooms like tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, cherry blossoms, or (my favorite) peonies. It’s good to experiment with different heights and shapes to add visual interest to your decor. Keep in mind, if you have pets you may want to opt for fake flowers, as some plants and flowers can be poisonous to pets.

spring daffodils in a colored glass vase

Spring decor is all about embracing the playful and whimsical aspects of the season. Look for charming knick-knacks that evoke the spirit of spring, such as decorative bird’ nests, ceramic rabbits, miniature garden tools, or colorful Easter eggs. These delightful touches will add personality and charm to your shelves. You can also bring the outdoors inside by incorporating natural elements into your shelf decor, such as potted plants, succulents, or fresh herbs to add a breath of fresh air to your space. You can also incorporate natural textures like woven baskets, rattan trays, or wooden accents to add warmth and earthiness to your space.

spring decor of egg and ceramic rabbit

Bring On the Charm

The most important part is incorporating personal touches that reflect your unique style and interests. Whether it’s a family photo in a spring-themed frame, a beloved souvenir from a past vacation, or a handmade trinket that has sentimental value, these items add depth and character to your decor. You can even take the time to make new traditions and craft some fun Spring-themed knick-knacks yourself with family or friends.

spring shelf decor including crafty rabbit

After picking out all my pieces I start arranging my spring decor on the shelves. I like to take a step back and assess the overall look. It’s good to play around with the placement of things and adjust until you find the perfect balance of visual appeal. You don’t want things to look too cluttered, but there shouldn’t be big gaps in the decor either.

It’s a great chance to bring the lively spirit of spring into your home with spring shelf decor. You can add a feeling of life to any room by adding vases, trinkets, and prints inspired by spring. The idea is to convey the essence of springtime via your décor, whether that means using whimsical accents, soft pastels, or botanical motifs. It only takes a little imagination and creativity to turn your shelves into a charming display of seasonal beauty. Soak up the crispness of springtime and allow your shelves to bloom with color and cheer. Bye-bye gloomy winter, and hello sunny spring!

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